Saturday, January 19, 2013

Monkeys..... Monkeys All Around....

So my main focus started out with diaper cakes and then moved to diaper cakes and blankets. Well as time continues on...... you can see I'm starting to do a variety of crafts and I love it!

Monkeys, Monkeys All Round...... makes you think of....... oh wait! Monkeys!!!!

You might be thinking, how did she come to talking about Monkeys or making something Monkey related? Well, let me tell you..... A gal at work decided to make her daughter's 1st birthday party, monkey themed!

She saw this idea for monkey centerpieces and asked me how difficult it would be to create them. After looking at the sample photo she showed me, I went to work on designing a sample for her. She loved it so much that she asked me to make all the centerpieces minus the fillers. Below are the results of the monkey heads.  :)

These 6 monkeys are double sided. Same face on both sides.

Oh! What a face!!! :)

Along with the monkey heads, she asked for me to create similar paper flowers. As you can see below, the  Monkeys were placed in jars with paper flowers. Jars were later filled with matching hot pink and lime green gums balls.    

These little monkeys turned out to be such a popular hit at the party, that I was unable to get a copy of the finished product before they all disappeared.

Best Part = Learning to Make the Paper Flowers!

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