Tuesday, June 19, 2012


If you like what you see so far, please feel free to follow my page.

Interested in a cake or even having a blanket done??
Feel free to email me at delightfulturtle@yahoo.com

Yippie! Finally a girl!

This time around I was asked by Josie, a lady at my mom's work, to make a tricycle for her sister's baby shower. I was very excited and thankful to find out, it was for a girl! It is my first one that was going to be in pink. I knew the shopping and making of this cake would be soooo much fun!

I was super excited and proud of the finished results.
Here are the pictures of the girl diaper cake.

The flowers are hair clips. The make a great decoration!

Hope you all like this cake as much as I do. I had a good time making it, just like I did with all the others. The only difference is this one was a little challenging when trying to find a pink bear. IF there is a specific type of animal such as a bear, hippo, rabbit, duck just let me know and I will do the best I can at finding it.

Tricycle Number 2

I received another request for a tricycle diaper cake for my mom's work. I was beginning to think being pregnant was in the water there, because every time I turned around I was making diaper cakes for baby showers at my mom's work.

Another boy... 

I love making these cakes!
However, for once could someone please give me a girl themed cake to make?!?

New Design!

A lady at my work came cross a design for a tricycle and suggested I should try it sometimes... Well as it so happens I had one to make within the next 2 days for a lady at my mom's work. I looked at the photos of the tricycle and other examples, and I decided to try it based on the materials in the photo with no directions. Below you will see the results of my experimentation.

Above: Here is the basic tricycle. Not bad for the first attempt! :)
Below: The finished product! Looking pretty good (just my opinion).
This turned out to be huge hit at my mom's work. More tricycles to come in the future!! :)

Sunday, April 29, 2012


Hi Everyone!

If you like what you see so far, please feel free to follow my page.

Interested in a cake or even having a blanket done?? 
Feel free to email me at delightfulturtle@yahoo.com

The cost of the cakes depends on the design and the type of diapers you would like. I have done cakes in all types of diapers from name brand to generic.

Taking a break from diapers

I absolutely love making diaper cakes because I find them fun to shop for and put eveything together to make one large gift that the expecting mother can enjoy and use. However, when the holidays were fast approaching, I took a break from making diaper cakes. The craft time switched to making blankets for Christmas. I ended up making about 5 blankets in a matter of 2.5 weeks. Below are the blankets that were made as gifts for Christmas. Enjoy!

In addition...

In addition for the cakes, I have also made 2 blankets for kids (one a baby shower that went with a diaper cake in the previous post and another that I had been holding on for a couple of months).

 This pink and white bubble one, I made for a little girl.
This one was made for Conner. It went along with yellow diaper cake in the previous post. It was one of the 1st blankets made in the month of December.

The Next 2 Cakes

 As the story continues, the next 2 cakes I made were just basic multi-tier cakes. The yellow one the right is the tallest one that I made so far. These were both gifts... one for a lady at my mom's work and one for a friend of mine from college.

Once I got the hang of making the layers, the easier and more fun the cakes became. Every cake is similar, yet just a little different. Never did I imagine that this design would change all over a simple little suggestion and example photos that I found online.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

The Beginning...

Hello Everyone!

I'm finally getting around to updating my blog. I'm sure most of you are wondering how this all got started, so I will start out with the story from the beginning.

Well  it all started about a year and a half ago when I was invited to a baby shower. I wanted to make something special because as you all know buying gifts for baby showers can be really expensive for one gift. Plus, there is always that chance that you will end up getting the same gift as someone else. I'm sure you all know that feeling.

I decided to attempt a basic diaper cake after seeing it somewhere and looking up instructions online. As you can see below... it wasn't terrible.

I was not happy with just taking this to the baby shower, so I also got ambitious and made my 1st no-sew blanket. Definitely loved the baby animal print, which made it difficult to give as a gift. I'm sure glad I did though! I made it large so it could be used for many years, the baby could grow with it.

The blanket turned out to be a huge hit! It was even used by great grandma when holding the baby. Come to find out, it was the only blanket used on a regular basis. So glad it was being used!!!

Well, the story continues with making cakes for other baby showers as gift, since everyone seemed to be having babies. However, the cake design has evolved as time goes on as well. I will post more pictures and info later, so you can all see how they look now. :)

Thursday, April 5, 2012